Friday, August 1, 2008


Welcome to your junior year and our class blog. This is the beginning of 'college life,' which means that some assignments are due outside of class. Your first assignment, as we discussed in class, is to introduce yourself to your classmates using your advertisement slogan as the subject. Explain how you are, in fact, like the slogan. Feel free to write an actual advertisement with yourself as the product, create a poem, or stick to a more formal "hello." Humor is fine; lies, not so much. This is your chance to share who you are with your classmates, people you'll be talking with quite a bit this year.

You should post these responses as an AUTHOR, not as a comment to my post. I encourage you to read your classmates' posts and feel free to comment. A picture of yourself is a lovely addition, though not a requirement. And though I know I need not say this, I will: keep the responses school appropriate. This is a public blog, folks, which means, mom, grandma, and Dr. Small can peruse the site if they so choose.

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