Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Into the Awesome-ness

Saying that I enjoyed Into the Wild is somewhat of an understatement. I have never, ever before in my life enjoyed a book that we read in English class. This book steps outside of the normal realm for standard high school literature, and I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it was because the life of Chris McCandless is so exquisitely laid out. Krakauer is incredibly skilled in adding tension to his writing, and even though I knew that Chris was going to die, I could not put the book down. I loved how Krakauer defines Chris as a human being throughout the book, moving from the more statisitical facts in the beginning to what Chris was like on a spiritual level. The book gave such an intimate view of Chris's life that I almost felt intrusive at some points, but that's what made the book all the more enticing.

So basically what I'm saying is that if I die during an adventure in the wild, please call John Krakauer and get him to write a book about me.

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