Monday, October 13, 2008

What does Willy seem to primarily want (like in a life-goal sense)? He seems to have the dreams of a salesman, like the 84-year-old Dave Singleman guy he mentions, but he is apparently happy when he makes things and builds things (like Biff mentions at the end). Which one is it?


Dani O. said...

I think Willy wanted to be a successful, prosperous man. He had the same personality as Biff when he was younger and was "well-liked" by many and people probably said to him (as they said to Biff), that he could be big in the business world. For that reason he probably became a salesman. I think he would have been much happier doing laborious work where he could use his hands and be outside. I saw Willy and Biff as the same person, so I thought that they would have the same interests in the outdoors and such, but they had different priorities. Willy wanted to be successful and therefore became a salesman, but Biff wants to spend the rest of his life doing something he likes, which is why he leans toward the outdoors.

Kristine Werling said...

I think that Willy had this skewed dream that if a person is well liked then they would become successful very quickly, but in reality people have to work hard for the money and success that they have. I think that Willy had the wrong goals, and would've been much more happy if he had gone into the outdoors or did work with his hands. As far as Dave Singleman, Willy views the money that Singleman got as a great success, but he doesn't realize just how lonely the life of a salesman really is.

Emma H said...

Willy seems to want a lot of things, though I think his main goal was to provide for his family and live the American dream. He wanted to be rich and successful for life, and the way he thought he could do that was by being a salesman because he heard of an 84 year old making money from his home. His main goal was to be prosperous but he wasn't happy with how he was doing it.