I know that Linda adores Willy, and respects him so much, but why does she? This question popped into my mind after the four of Lomans are discussing Biff going to talk to Oliver, and the whole time Linda is just as excited as the rest of them and Willy keeps telling her to shut up. Linda just takes it, and the respect that I had for her in the first act kinda dwindled. Willy was never successful or all that amazing, so why then does she worship Willy so much?
Look what i found on PostSecret!
i think she worships him because things used to be good for the family(back when the boys were in school). Things weren't as dysfunctional, and the family actually had hope for one another. In her eyes, he used to be a great man, and she still thinks he can be.
I don't think that it ever occurred to Linda that she doesn't always have to please everyone, and if it did occur to her, she isn't a strong enough person to stand up for herself. She found someone who she can live the rest of her life worshiping, and even though things are going down hill for the family, she isn't going to change.
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