Friday, March 20, 2009

Grief, terror, love, longing (21)
Irony mixed with tragedy (20)

A weight pushing [you] toward (51)
Over the tight blue flame (23)
[Held by] the tips of his fingers (23)
The bluish gray color of a razor blade (49)
Almost painful, a cutting sensation (48)

The immense serenity flashes against your eyeballs (36)
All lightness, bright, and fast (22)
The whole world gets rearranged (36)
Weird opium dream (105)
A sinking sensation, ears all plugged up (189)

The darkness squeezes...inside yourself (204)
Coldness inside [you] (207)
Imagination takes over (204)
Ghosts behind front of you...inside you (205)

Silhouettes move...without moving (105)
The whole dark countryside c[o]mes alive (221)
Tiny sounds get heightened and distorted (205)
The night ha[s] its own voice (221)

You coil up...knuckles hard...pulse ticking in your head (205)
Too much (220)

1 comment:

JenniferLee said...

This was just to show how it feels to be in the war zone. How it is very different and dream-like. How war seems to be like a horror story. I thought that O'Brien had really descriptive language and so this wasn't too challenging. I just started by randomly rereading sections and found any lines that I thought were interesting and descriptive and ended up with this.