Friday, February 6, 2009

valentines day

Hello folk!
As most of you know, next Friday is the day before Valentines Day! As it is also Junior year I bet the majority of us are wailing over our homework, ACT and the loss of our innocence, I know I am. So let's liken back to our childhood! Mrs. Gerber said that we could possibly have a fun day on Friday! My ideas included everyone bringing a shoebox and a valentine for everyone! [Transformers, Hello Kitty and Spiderman valentines are required. All must also include candy.] Mrs. Gerber said that if anyone had any suggestions/wholeheartedly agreed with me [That means all of you] just to comment!


Reagan said...

woohoo! Fantastic idea cori lin! I'm enthusiastically responding to this idea!
p.s. power ranger valentines? also required.

Jane Danstrom said...

Sweet deal! I'm a big fan of valentines, and I hope you are all looking forward to my rocking valentines which may or may not be in spanish, filled with piropos. Yes piropos - flowery sugar sweet complements designed to make you want to throw up.

Ex. Si la belleza fuera un instante, tu serias una eternidad.

[If beauty were a moment, you would be an eternity.]

Kaitlin Fanning said...

I whole heartedly agree with Cori Lin's notion for bringing in Valentines!!! YAY MAN!! Let's do it!! If you dont agree with this idea you are barbaric. The End.

Mrs. Gerber said...

For those of you who asked, there are 23 of us in class. (23.5 if you count Smudgee!)