Saturday, September 13, 2008

Freshmen, One of a kind

The day seems like yesterday, when I just walked into this school, feeling nervous and intimidated by the vast body of students. The feeling was like none other I had ever felt before. I walked in and I encountered very eccentric sights that I still remember. For the first time, I had seen a school with almost all the boys that were huge and all the women that were very attractive. They all were speaking the same language that I spoke, except with words that I have never encountered in my youth. The atmosphere was like that of when I went into a library, or an office, or a measum except that there were a plethora of students. For the first time in my 14 year existance, I had witnessed in person the amazing wonder of high school.
Those were my feelings when I stepped into high school as a young, freshmen. I was just like all my other peers: afraid and clueless. I thought high school was like studying rocket science. I had no idea of what was going on and how I was going to survive. The only way I had to alleviate myself from this feeling of intimidation was to make friends. So I went on with that action, and apprehending the life of high school became a sitch. I understood the basics of the foundation and started doing well.
Usually, freshmen would feel the same way I did. Just this past week, I observed a group of freshmen in the cafeteria eating lunch. I observed their mannerisms and speculations. They seemed either very smart or stupid. One kid did not even know the name of the school principal. I just thought to myself: "Oh freshmen, when are you ever going to learn". Another kid was doing his math homework very studiously, hoping to strive for that A in his math test. And the last kid was just sitting their absorbing all the information conversed amongst his kind. They all seemed like they've never done this before, because they seem novice at everything they do. Whether it's their mannerisms or their humor, even when they communicate with a student that is at least one year older than them. Freshmen just don't know how to get with the program.
Eventually, everything will change for them once they finish their rookie year. But for now, they are the ones that will be smitted upon.
The hypocritical message is that we were also amongst their intelligence also. We were also that absent minded or humor less. What the freshmen teach us is that novices will eventually have to start somewhere, even if it is being low or stupid. We were once like that to. The one thing that I must appreciate is that they taught me that we are all still freshmen at heart no matter how smart we are.


Donald Magnani said...
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Yena Hong said...

Your post was very interesting but I think you can add just a bit more details on their appearance.

Arjun Puranik said...

The empathetic view of the freshmen was interesting, different. You didn't take on the idea that everyone else did that freshmen are scum.

Jane Danstrom said...

I enjoyed this post Ashvin! I actually lol'd at the part about huge boys and attractive women. I think high school is rocket science, but if you're a rocket scientist you can handle it. For the rest of us however...

I don't know the name of our principal either though. I don't even know what she looks like.