Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Live Beautifully - Jennifer Lee

My name is Jennifer Lee. I'm am a sixteen year old Korean-American, and I live with both my parents and my older sister. My sister just graduated and is now preparing to go to Johnson and Wales University-a culinary arts school in Rhode Island. I enjoy spending time with friends and playing sports. I also like music a lot. I am active at my church and enjoy spending time doing community service. Since last year October, I have been working at Sushi Ai as a hostess in the same plaza where my mom and dad own a flower shop. I'm not too sure what I want to be and where I want to go in the future but right now, I just want to focus on doing well and having fun the rest of my high school life.

There were about 4 advertisements near me that I was able to see while sitting down, and the one that stuck out most was the one that had this slogan live beautifully. I don't really know why this happened to be the one I chose. Maybe it was because I liked how the colors of the butterflies seemed to be glowing even more vibrantly next to the dark, blackness surrounding it. However, I have a feeling it was because of the two words on that paper that I ended up choosing this ad.

I don't think I chose these two words because beautifully is the word that describes how I live my life, because it's definitely not, but because that's the way I want to live my life. Like everyone else, I've had my share of struggles, fears, joys, and other things that life encompasses.

Some people allow their not-so-good experiences to impact their lives negatively, others only look at the events they want to recall, but a few honorable people look back on all their experiences and see each and every one as a good opportunity that they can learn from and enjoy.

According to the definitions given on, the word beautiful means "having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about,etc." My definition of beautiful agrees with this one.

The kind of life that gives great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc. (a.k.a. is beautiful) is that of a person who can live with strength and courage no matter what they're going through and look back on their hardships to grow even more perserverance and hope.

The people who I always choose as my role models are the kind of people who have lives that fit my definition of beautiful, and I hope that I'll have that same strength and courage to do the same and live beautifully

Well, that's a little bit about me and my thoughts on this slogan!


Mrs. Gerber said...

How neat that you work in the same plaza as your parents. Do you visit them on breaks, or do they come in for dinner?

Jane Danstrom said...

I totally agree with your thoughts on living beautifully. It's so important to ignore all of the negative comments and events that happen in your life! Otherwise you become a big ugly monster. Just look at Britney Spears!

Lauren Z said...

This was BEAUTIFULLY written. It was so heartfelt. I really enjoyed it!

Kaitlin Fanning said...

you are such a good writer! im excited to read more of your writing later on this year